Table of Contents

C2E Player Service Setup Guide

Please execute the folowing commands cefore starting the App for the first time.

					npm install npm run scripts npm start

C2E Player Service API Documentation (Open API Specification)

Welcome to the Curriki C2E Player Service API documentation. 🎉 🎉 🎉

1. Base URL

All endpoints are relative to the base URL:


2. Authentication


All endpoints require an x-api-key header for authentication. Different roles have different API keys for access.

3. C2E Routes

3.1 Get C2E Stream Token

Endpoint to get a C2E Stream token.

  • URL: /stream/token
  • Method: GET
  • Summary: Get C2E Stream token (called from store service)
  • Parameters:
    • x-api-key (header) – Authentication and Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: APIKey (role: cee-store-service)
      • Required: true
    • subid (query) – C2E Subscription ID setup on the store service
      • Type: string
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": [
      "ceeId": "C2E ID",
      "token": "C2E Stream Token",
      "expiresAt": "C2E Stream Token Expiry Date"

3.2 Get C2E Manifest

Endpoint to get a C2E Manifest.

  • URL: /stream/manifest
  • Method: GET
  • Summary: Get C2E Manifest (called from store service)
  • Parameters:
    • x-api-key (header) – Authentication and Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: APIKey (role: cee-store-service)
      • Required: true
    • subid (query) – C2E Subscription ID
      • Type: string
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": [
      "ceeId": "C2E Subscription ID",
      "manifest": "C2E Manifest"

3.3 C2E Stream Search Endpoint

Endpoint to search for C2E Streams.

  • URL: /stream/search
  • Method: GET
  • Summary: C2E Stream Search Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
    • query (query) – C2E stream search query
      • Type: string
      • Default: “abc”
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "result": [
      // Your response object schema here

4. Platform Endpoints

4.1 Platform Registration Endpoint

Endpoint to register a new platform.

  • URL: /platform/registerPlatform
  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Platform Registration Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
    • payload (body) – Platform details
      • Type: object
      • Properties:
        • url (string) – Platform URL
        • name (string) – Platform Name
        • clientId (string) – Client ID
        • authenticationEndpoint (string) – Authentication Endpoint
        • accesstokenEndpoint (string) – Access Token Endpoint
        • authConfigMethod (string) – Auth Config Method
        • authConfigKey (string) – Auth Config Key
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": true

4.2 Get Platforms Endpoint

Endpoint to get all registered platforms.

  • URL: /platform/getPlatforms
  • Method: GET
  • Summary: Get Platforms Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": [
      "id": 1,
      "platformName": "Test Studio 1",
      "platformUrl": "",
      "clientId": "10001",
      "authEndpoint": "https://xxxxxxxx/api/lti/authorize_redirect",
      "accesstokenEndpoint": "https://xxxxxxxx/login/oauth2/token",
      "kid": "xxxxxxxx",
      "authConfig": {
        "method": "JWK_SET",
        "key": "https://xxxxxxxx/api/lti/security/jwks"
      "authorizationServer": null,
      "publicKeys": {
        "iv": "xxxxxxxx",
        "data": "xxxxxxxx"
      "privateKeys": {
        "iv": "xxxxxxxx",
        "data": "xxxxxxxx"
      "createdAt": "2024-01-16T07:01:17.758Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-01-16T07:01:17.758Z"

4.3 Delete Platform Endpoint

Endpoint to delete a platform.

  • URL: /platform/deletePlatform
  • Method: DELETE
  • Summary: Delete Platforms Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
    • platformId (query) – Platform ID
      • Type: string
      • Default: “abcd”
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": true

5. Licensee Endpoints

5.1 Add Licensee Endpoint

Endpoint to add a new licensee.

  • URL: /licensee/addLicensee
  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Add Licensee Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
    • payload (body) – Licensee details
      • Type: object
      • Properties:
        • lti_client_id (string) – LTI Client ID
        • cee_licensee_id (string) – CEE Licensee ID
        • cee_secret_key (string) – CEE Secret Key
        • cee_provider_url (string) – CEE Provider URL
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": true

5.2 Get Licensees Endpoint

Endpoint to get all registered licensees.

  • URL: /licensee/getLicensees
  • Method: GET
  • Summary: Get Licensee Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": [
      "id": 1,
      "lti_client_id": "10001",
      "cee_licensee_id": "license",
      "cee_secret_key": "secret",
      "cee_provider_url": "",
      "platformName": "Test Studio 1",
      "createdAt": "2024-01-16T07:08:19.659Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-01-16T07:08:19.659Z"

5.3 Update Licensee Endpoint

Endpoint to update an existing licensee.

  • URL: /licensee/updateLicensee
  • Method: PATCH
  • Summary: Update Licensee Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
    • id (query) – Licensee ID
      • Type: string
      • Default: “1”
      • Required: true
    • payload (body) – Updated licensee details
      • Type: object
      • Properties:
        • lti_client_id (string) – LTI Client ID
        • cee_licensee_id (string) – CEE Licensee ID
        • cee_secret_key (string) – CEE Secret Key
        • cee_provider_url (string) – CEE Provider URL
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": true

5.4 Delete Licensee Endpoint

Endpoint to delete a licensee.

  • URL: /licensee/deleteLicensee
  • Method: DELETE
  • Summary: Delete Licensee Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
    • id (query) – Licensee ID
      • Type: string
      • Default: “1”
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
  "code": 200,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": true

5.5 Authentication

Bearer Token

All endpoints require an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication.

6. LTI Routes Endpoints

6.1 Get Members Details Endpoint

Endpoint to get details of all members.

  • URL: /members
  • Method: GET
  • Operation ID: members
  • Summary: Get Members Details Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Success
      • Schema:
    "status": "Active",
    "name": "Jhon Doe",
    "picture": "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx",
    "given_name": "Jhon",
    "family_name": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "user_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx",
    "lti11_legacy_user_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx",
    "roles": ["xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx"]

6.2 Deeplink Endpoint

Endpoint to generate a deeplink.

  • URL: /deeplink
  • Method: POST
  • Operation ID: deeplink
  • Summary: Deeplink Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
    • payload (body) – Deeplink parameters
      • Type: object
      • Properties:
        • title (string) – Title
        • name (string) – Name
        • value (string) – Value
        • id (string) – ID
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Successful response
      • Content:
					<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML Form</title>
  <form action='/submit' method='post'>
    <label for='inputField'>Input Field:</label>
    <input type='text' id='inputField' name='inputField'><br>
    <input type='submit' value='Submit'>

6.3 Play Endpoint

Endpoint to play content.

  • URL: /play
  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Play Endpoint
  • Parameters:
    • Authorization (header) – Authorization
      • Type: string
      • Default: Bearer {token}
      • Required: true
    • c2eId (query) – c2eId
      • Type: string
      • Default: “abc”
      • Required: true
  • Responses:
    • 200:
      • Description: Successful response
      • Content:
					<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML Form</title>
  <form action='/submit' method='post'>
    <label for='inputField'>Input Field:</label>
    <input type='text' id='inputField' name='inputField'><br>
    <input type='submit' value='Submit'>

7. Swagger Documentation

Swagger Documentation can be found on following link https://service-host/api-docs/